Kategorie: Data as an asset

Posted in AI Strategy, Data as an asset, Data product management, Data Products, Data science, Deutsch

Wie managt man ein Data Science Produkt?  – Eine Serie von D3M Labs

Die Datenwissenschaft entwickelt sich von der Forschung und Entwicklung zu Produkten – sowohl online als auch offline….

Posted in AI Strategy, Data as an asset, Data product management, Data Products

How to manage the data science product, a D3M Labs Series.

Data science is moving from R&D into products – both online and off. Managing data products requires…

Posted in AI Strategy, Business, Data as an asset, Data product management, Data strategy, Strategy

Building defensibility with Data Moats  – an interview with Raúl Berganza Gómez

Competitive advantages enable your business to be successful. Defensibility is what you need to keep that competitive advantage. Data Moats leverage data to create parts of your business that are hard for competitors to replicate. In an open source, fast-moving digital world, building a deep moat gives your business the margin and time to maintain competitiveness.

Posted in Business, Data as an asset, Data Leadership, Data strategy, Finance

Data only has financial value if it can be monetized – An interview with Michael Guthammar

Having no physical form, data is an intangible asset. Data is often a contributory asset as well, its value being realized via the ability to generate profit through, for example, insight used in decision making or algorithmic-product such as a recommendation engine. Certain methods and considerations are required when valuing data.

Posted in Data as an asset, Data Leadership, Data product management, Data Products, Data strategy, Strategy

What is Data-as-a-Service?

Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) can be described as productized data-driven insight on demand. DaaS allows business users to access the data and insights they need at the timing they desire. The data and insights can be consumed by multiple individuals simultaneously, location-independent of where the data has been sourced and managed.