Kategorie: Machine learning

Posted in AI Strategy, AI use case, Generative AI, Large Language Models, Machine learning

What is the Future of AI Development & Deployment?

🔮 Generative AI is going to change the world….🔮until you take some practicalities into account. We had a great time talking about the „Future of the Development and Deployment of AI,“ organized by D3M Labs and hosted by SPICED Academy with Elizabeth Press, M. Murat Ardag, Ph.D. and Samantha Edds. M. Murat Ardag, Ph.D, a Data Scientist and Political Psychologist, presented his study utilizing the Stack Overflow 2023 Annual Developer Survey.

Posted in Analytics, Data Leadership, Machine learning

Operational Analytics, a New Paradigm for Delivering Data-Driven Impact

From higher ROI to easier use, operational analytics answers many contemporary challenges facing data teams. I (Elizabeth Press), spoke with Dani Solà  Senior Vice President of Data and Analytics at Clark about Operational Analytics. Success, however, necessitates a well-governed data platform and solid security concepts. When your stakeholders come back with questions, it’s a sign of engagement and thus relevance of the system you built.