Kategorie: Strategy

Posted in Data Leadership, Data Products, Data-driven marketing, DataOps, Strategy

Take aways from Big Data World, May 2022

The right mix of governance and freedom in architecture is still up for debate, end-to-end solutions are often-heard recommendations, low and no-code is expanding access to data and the customer journey could be seen as a source of revenue are some insights I gleaned from this spring’s Big Data World.

Posted in Business, Data strategy, Data-driven marketing, Insights, Strategy

Turning customer relevancy into revenue

Monetizing customer relevancy through data-driven insights is key for any successful modern marketing campaign. Modern marketers work in a hypotheses-driven manner, using data to gain customer insight. Consumers and B2B customers have grown used to marketers understanding who they are, their behaviors, as well as when and how they want to communicate with you.

Posted in Deutsch, Strategy

Das D3M Labs Manifesto (auf Deutsch)

Die Welt braucht mehr Visionäre mit gößen Ideen. D3M Labs möchte diesen Visionären die Werkzeuge zur Verfügung stellen, die sie benötigen, um erfolgreich über die Grenzen des heutigen Normalbetriebs hinauszugehen. Fantasie gepaart mit mutigen Entscheidungen auf der Grundlage von Daten, die in großem Maßtab umgesetzt werden, können und werden Industrien, Wirtschaft und die Welt verändern. Soziale Netzwerke, die gemeinsame Wirtschaft, maschinelles Lernen und mehr haben unseren Alltag grundlegend verändert. Alle diese Innovationen wurden uns durch Vision, Einsicht, Strategie und exzellente Umsetzung nahergebracht.

Posted in Strategy

The D3M Labs Manifesto (English)

The world needs more visionaries with big ideas. D3M Labs wants to avail these visionaries the tools they need to successfully go beyond the bounds of the present-day normal. Imagination coupled with brave decisions powered by analytics, executed on scale can and does transform industries, economies and the world. Social networks, the sharing economy, machine learning and more have all fundamentally changed our everyday lives. All of these innovations were brought to us by vision, insight, strategy and excellent execution.

Posted in Strategy

Are you a shallow innovator? That’s ok as long as you can execute.

Successful shallow innovation creates and executes a use case for proven technology in a way that is sustainably profitable and/or beneficial to society. I created this term to help clients conceptualize the difference between value created by deep innovation, i.e. disruptive technological or scientific innovation, and those created by shallow innovation coupled with wonderful execution.

Posted in Business, Data-driven marketing, Strategy

The monetisation of customer relevancy

The monetisation of customer relevancy through data-driven insights is essential for any successful marketing campaign in the digital economy. With the advent of social media, cloud computing, IoT and mobile applications, data sources and use cases for marketing and communications professionals are proliferating. Companies can collect data on customer preferences, attributes, actions and more to, for example, anticipate demand, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as proactively capitalize on acquisition, upsell and cross sell opportunities.

Posted in Business, Data Leadership, Data strategy, Deutsch, Strategy

Lehren aus New York: Es gibt nie „nur Business“

In Berlin habe ich mehr als ein paar Mal den Kommentar „das ist nur Business“ gehört. In New York habe ich niemals einen solchen Kommentar vernommen. Ganz im Gegensatz zu Berlin wird es in New York über Unternehmensstrategie, Marktentwicklung und Marketingstrategie eifrig diskutiert.

Posted in Data as an asset, Data Leadership, Data product management, Data Products, Data strategy, Strategy

What is Data-as-a-Service?

Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) can be described as productized data-driven insight on demand. DaaS allows business users to access the data and insights they need at the timing they desire. The data and insights can be consumed by multiple individuals simultaneously, location-independent of where the data has been sourced and managed.

Posted in Data Products, Strategy

Turning Big Data Disillusionment into Opportunity with Data-as-a-Service Products

Big Data’s descent from the peak of inflated expectations into the trough of disillusionment made a splash when Gartner came out with its 2016 Hype Cycle for Business Intelligence and Analytics. This stage is decisive: Big Data either delivers, and so rises a bit further up the slope of enlightenment

Posted in Strategy

European Venture Market

Confidence in the European venture market seems to be growing, although many participants still cite best practices from the US. Corporate-Startup partnerships with the goal to „learn“ „innovation“ is in fever pitch in Berlin at the moment. A more diverse investor ecosystem – from very well known investors, to niche investors and corporate investors. Although more diverse does not extend to those who control the capital – the Berlin circle that controls the capital is still tight knit. The German government seems to slowly be realizing the urgent need for early stage financing. BAFA announced their grant for angel investors – Zuschuss für Wägniskapital.